Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Most Network Marketers Don't Realize

A question I pondered when I first began researching network marketing was this: why is there a 97% drop-out rate for new distributors in the industry?

I did some research on the subject, and the reason that I found for this is quite simple. The truth is, most people go into network marketing trying to buy a hope or a get-rich-quick idea. Most people don't realize that building a network marketing company takes time, effort, and desire!

Time is one of the aspects that makes the network marketing industry what it is. Since there is no set schedule of when a distributor must work, he or she is able to work on his or her own time. This has been a very important attraction point for thousands of network marketers.

This is absolutely true: you can work as much or as little as you want in this industry. However, don't expect to become a millionaire in less than a year if you only put in an hour or two a week! So many network marketers think that just because they go through the training, read the books, and get signed up with a reputable company, that they'll start rolling in cash within a few weeks. This is not true. What you get out of your network marketing business will almost always directly depend - at least for the first year or so - on the amount of time and effort you put into it each and every day.

This is not to say that a network marketer can't work just an hour or two a week. In fact, this is what works really well for some people. But again, just don't expect to make millions right away.

Many of today's readers may not be familiar with Napoleon Hill. He was a speaker and a writer who did his greatest work before and during the Great Depression. Although his material might be called "outdated" by some, his concept of desire will remain true forever.

Mr. Hill says that if we have a strong enough desire for something (that is, if we want it so badly that our minds, hearts, and daily actions are literally consumed by the will to achieve the goal), your mind will transmute that desire into what you want. There are literally entire volumes written on the subject of desire, but this, I feel, is the essential core of the information.

The truth contained in the preceeding paragraph is of utmost importance. Any network marketer who believes badly enough in what he wants can achieve it!

Armed with the three tools of time, effort, and desire (all implemented in the right way), every network marketer who reads this article can be part of that successful 3%. I feel that anyone, regardless of his or her situation in life, can become the next success story.